Takashi KIKUCHI Visiting Professor|Department of Ocean Technology,Policy, and Environment Graduate School,The University of Tokyo

Department of Ocean Technology, Policy, and Environment, Graduate School, The University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo


Takashi KIKUCHI Visiting Professor

Field : Marine environment observational research for the Arctic Ocean


E-mail : takashik@jamstec.go.jp

Private Website :
Takashi KIKUCHI Visiting Professor

Career Summary

  • B.S., Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, JAPAN, March 1989
  • M.S., Science (Geophysics), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, JAPAN, March 1991
  • Ph.D, Science (Geophysics), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, JAPAN, December 1996
  • Oct. 1996-Sept.1997; Postdoctoral fellow, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
  • Oct. 1997-present; Research Scientist, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (since 2004, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
  • Apr. 2009-present; Team Leader of the Arctic Ocean Climate System Research, JAMSTEC
  • Apr. 2015-present; Deputy director, Institute of Arctic Climate and Environment Research (IACE), JAMSTEC

Educational Activities

Special Lecture on Ocean Technology, Policy, and Environment II

Research Activities

To investigate “status and trends” of on-going environmental change in the Arctic Ocean and its “impact” to climate system and marine ecosystem.
Selected Literature
  • Yamamoto-Kawai, M., T. Mifune, T. Kikuchi, and S. Nishino, Prolonged aragonite undersaturation in bottom water of a biological hotspot in the Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean, Biogeosciences, 13, 6155-6169, doi:10.5194/bg-13-6155-2016, 2016.
  • Nishino, S., T. Kikuchi, A. Fujiwara, H. Hirawake, and M. Aoyama, Water mass characteristics and their temporal changes in a biological hotspot in the southern Chukchi Sea, Biogeosciences, 13, 8, 2563-2578, doi:10.5194/bg-13-2563-2016, 2016.
  • Itoh, M., R. S. Pickart, T. Kikuchi, Y. Fukamachi, K. I. Ohshima, D. Simizu, K. R. Arrigo, S. Vagle, J. He, C. Ashjian, J. T. Mathis, S. Nishino, and C. Nobre, Water properties, heat and volume fluxes of Pacific water in Barrow Canyon during summer 2010, Deep Sea Res. I, 102, 43-54, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2015.04.004, 2015.
  • Itoh, M., S. Nishino, Y. Kawaguchi, and T. Kikuchi, Barrow Canyon volume, heat, and freshwater fluxes revealed by long-term mooring observations between 2000 and 2008, J. Geophys. Res. – Oceans, 118, 9, 4363-4379, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20290, 2013.
  • Nishino, S, M. Itoh, Y. Kawaguchi, T. Kikuchi, and M. Aoyama, Impact of an unusually large warm-core eddy on distributions of nutrients and phytoplankton in the southwestern Canada Basin during late summer/early fall 2010, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L16602, doi:10.1029/2011GL047885, 2011.
  • Rabe, B., M. Karcher, U. Schauer, J.M. Tools, R.A. Krishfield, S. Pisarev, F. Kauker, R. Gerdes, and T. Kikuchi, An assessment of pan-Arctic Ocean freshwater content changes from the 1990s to the IPY period, Deep Sea Res., 58, 2, 173-185, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2010.12.002, 2011.
  • Kikuchi, T., J. Inoue and D. Langevin, Argo-type profiling float observation under the Arctic multiyear ice, Deep Sea Res., 54, 1675-1686, 2007.
  • Kikuchi, T., J. Inoue, and J. Morison, Temperature difference across the Lomonosov Ridge: Implications for the Atlantic Water circulation in the Arctic Ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32(13), L20604, doi;10.1029/2005GL023982, 2005.
  • Kikuchi, T., K. Hatakeyama, and J. H. Morison, Distribution of convective Lower Halocline Water in the eastern Arctic Ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 109, C12030, doi:10.1029/2003JC002223, 2004.
  • Kikuchi, T., M. Wakatsuchi, and M. Ikeda, A numerical investigation of transport process of dense shelf water from a continental shelf to a slope, J. Geophys. Res., 104, C1, 1197-1210, 1999.

Other Activities

  • Executive committee Member, International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP), Jun. 2008-present
  • International Science Steering Group (ISSG) Member, Arctic-Subarctic Ocean Flux (ASOF), Jan. 2010-present
  • Vice-chair, Pacific Arctic Group (PAG), April 2012-present
  • Contributing author, Adaptation Action for Changing Arctic (AACA)-C Bering/Chukchi/Beaufort regional report, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP).

Future Plan

In a recent decade, scientists have informed that “the Arctic is Changing” due to global warming. Then, we say now that “the Arctic is shifting a new state”.  It is just one of the remarkable evidences of global environmental changes.  I want to find what kinds of environmental changes are now going on and why such changes happen in the Arctic Ocean / Arctic region.  And then, I want to know what we should do for us.

Messages to Students

Let’s go on the field of the environmental changes!  Let’s find on-going changes in the field by yourself.

Then, let’s think of what we should do by yourself.

Online Briefing Session
For current students only
(In preparation)